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CIBC Asset Management Updates Risk Ratings for Several Renaissance Funds

CIBC Asset Management Inc. (CAM) today announced changes to the risk ratings for the Renaissance Investments mutual funds listed below. These changes will be reflected in the renewal of the simplified prospectus for the funds and are effective on or about September 11, 2017.

The new risk ratings were determined in accordance with the new standardized risk classification methodology mandated by the Canadian Securities Administrators. No changes have been made to the investment objectives, investment strategies or management of the funds. CAM reviews the risk rating for each fund at least annually, and adjustments are made whenever we determine that the investment risk level is no longer appropriate.

Fund NamePrevious Risk RatingNew Risk Rating
Renaissance Diversified Income FundMediumLow to Medium
Renaissance Emerging Markets FundHighMedium to High
Renaissance Flexible Yield Fund - Hedged Classes*Low to MediumLow
Renaissance Global Real Estate Currency Neutral FundMedium to HighHigh
Renaissance Global Science & Technology FundHighMedium to High
Renaissance Global Small-Cap FundMedium to HighMedium
Renaissance High Income FundMediumLow to Medium
Renaissance Optimal Income PortfolioLow to MediumLow
Renaissance Optimal Inflation Opportunities PortfolioMediumLow to Medium
Renaissance U.S. Dollar Corporate Bond FundLowLow to Medium
Renaissance U.S. Dollar Diversified Income FundLowLow to Medium
Renaissance U.S. Equity Growth Currency Neutral FundMediumMedium to High

* Risk rating change applies to classes H, FH and OH of the fund only; classes A, F and O will retain their Low to Medium risk rating.